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Club Minutes Notes: April 14th, 2024


Meeting open at 7:37 PM by Vince Johnson

Secretary report read, correction was made that the Vice President doesn’t automatically advance to President when the current President retires as was stated in the March report. Motion made to accept with correction by Gary, second by Phil, motion passed.

Treasure report was made by Judy, Motion made to accept by Phil, second by Jim R. Motion passed.

Region 6 meeting was attended by Vince. Reported that MnUSA office moved to Ramsey. Vince won the 50/50. The Region 6 minute are in the newsletter.

Dakota Trails report for March was in the newsletter. Things talked about at the April Meeting were. Not going to make new trail maps for 2024-2025. Going to change the date to 2024-2025 on all the unused maps.  Looking into getting insurance coverage for Dakota Trails officers. Checking on cost of a roller to smooth out the trail before it freezes.  Tabled until fall.

IGH trail – Didn’t get our grant payment yet. Vince took down most of the trail by himself. The club gave him $25  to cover cost of gas. Ask if someone could take down the trailhead, Phil said he would do it. If someone would like to help, meet at the park at 9:30AM. Vince tracked a sled that has been riding on the park, from his house.

Sunshine – Chris Kelly was in the hospital for hip replacement, Judy will be sending him a gift card.

DNR meeting – Vince is going to the meeting on  April 23rd, asked if someone would go with him to learn about the grant.

Change the meeting day – Motion made by Jim S to keep the day as is, seconded by Daniel.

Land owner  - will give 4 land owners a gift card for using their land for a trail. There is a new contact person at Flint Hills.

Calendars - Our club purchased the last four unsold MnUSA calendars, and the club won $25 on one  of them.

Election of officers – These are the new officers for 2024-25. President  - Gary, Vice President – Phil, Secretary – Jim S, Treasure – Judy, Board - 1 yr - Vince, 1yr - Randy, 2yr – Brian, 2yr – Daniel.

Drawing for 50/50 won by Randy.

Pot of  Gold won by Jim M. $25.

Motion made to close by Phil, second by President Gary, meeting closed at  8:45. We then had sub’s and cupcakes and conversation.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smeby Substitute  Secretary.

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